Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tutorial task week 4
BAIDU is the most popular search engine in china and I used to use BAIDU to search for information, after came to Australia I started use Google that was a much faster and more comprehensive search tools and more suitable for my study abroad
1. What did Alan Turing wear when riding his bicycle around Bletchley Park?Alan Turing was wearing a gas mask.
2. On what date did two computers first communicate with each other? Where were they?
October 20 ,1969The computers were located in UCLA, Stanford, University of California and the University of Utah.
3. What is Bill Gates’ birthday and what age was he when he sold his first software?
Bill Gate’s birthday was October 28,1955 ,he sold his first soft ware when he was 17years old。
4. Where was the World Wide Web invented?
The World Wide Web was born in Geneva.
5. How does the power of the computer you are working on now compare with the power of a personal computer from 30 years ago?
6. What is the weight of the largest parsnip ever grown?
The world’s largest parsnip weighs 8 pounds 6 ounces.
7. When did Queensland become a state and why is the Tweed River in New South Wales?
8. What was the weather like in south-east Queensland on 17 November 1954?
9. Why is Lord Byron still remembered in Venice?
Because of he had sex with 250 people in one year.
10. What band did Sirhan Chapman play in and what is his real name?
Lecture3 & 4 summary
“Shot as a word” demonstrated the meaning of the different scenarios, such as the close up answers the question of ‘who’, by showing our character in detail, the mid shot answers the ‘what’ question by showing your subject performing an action.
The selection of angles to show different characters also played an important role. Moreover, inserts and cutaways providing extra information inside or outside the scene. So, select the shot for distance and insert, is an interesting and necessary process to the future study and practice.
Week 2 Lecture summary
I was interest in this week lecture which is given me some information about the history of internet and computer.
Modern computer technology is inseparable from the rapid development of human scientific and technological knowledge, .As the development of modern science going on, the naissance of computer has bound science and production ever more tightly together.
Lee de Forest invents the vacuum tube in 1906, it is contributed to the development of computer in the world, after that IBM's establishment is a landmark in the history of modern technology, Although the tube has entered the age of modern computer field, it was not until the invention of the transistor, computer find a new start. However, due to transistor computer still can not meet customer requirements, the invention of integrated circuits reduce the size of the computer, make them faster and reduce the fault. Until 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft Corporation,Internet technology and multimedia technology have also been unprecedented application and really started to change our lives.
The Future of communication
My experience of my communication technology
Hello, every classmate, I am an overseas student comes form china, and this is my first year study in Griffith uni, everything is amazing when I first time study abroad. I clearly remember the first time I know communication technology is that when my parents buy the first computer to our home when I was 12-year-old, since that time, the Internet has affected every aspect of my live, it’s not only help me to get very interesting information in all aspects and give our own opinion to the current hot topic, may also to communicate with others even different country.
When I was in high school, I started use qq which is Chinese chatting tool to chatting with my friends, until I came to Australia, I found that msn more popular in foreign countries, though msn I can got some value information from some local friends, practice my English.
The communication technology provides an excellent platform and environment to let us know the information and technology. That is also why I chosen new communication technology as the first-year courses.
I am also glad to get more knowledge in this course, through the critical thinking have a good grasp of the technology.